The Fellowship acknowledges industry leaders and ensures they have opportunities to collaborate, a visible platform and a continuing role in the industry and with GEO.

Those appointed as a Fellow of Global Equity have demonstrated leadership and contributions to the broader profession and a deep community to improve global employee share ownership throughout their careers.

The GEO Fellows Selection committee meets in the Spring and Fall of each year to review applications and select new Fellows.

man speaking


Fellows may access exclusive benefits as part of the GEO Fellows Program, including:

  • Use of the Fellow of Global Equity designation – FGE
  • Exclusive opportunities to attend Fellows-only events
  • Preferential rates for GEO’s Annual Conference and regional events
  • Lifetime membership to GEO, post-retirement from the industry
  • Lifetime recognition as a Fellow of Global Equity subject to continued compliance with Fellows’ standards
  • A listing on the GEO website


To be successful in your application, you must

  • Be an accomplished member of the global equity compensation community
  • Be an active member of the GEO community and have held a GEO membership for three consecutive years
  • Demonstrate leadership in your role, the wider industry and among peers
  • Be dedicated to innovation and the advancement of employee share ownership
  • Have a long industry tenure, deep expertise and act as a mentor to others
  • Have integrity, ethics, and respect for others and the profession


Annual Fee


Active Global Equity Fellows will be charged to maintain their Fellow status.

Lifetime Fee


A Fellow can elect to pay a one-time fee for a lifetime membership.

*Subject to change. Fellows who are fully retired from the profession can apply to have their fee waived.

Fellows are required to uphold an active and in-good-standing GEO membership throughout their participation in the program and ensure that their Fellow fees remain current and do not become overdue.


Applications are made online and welcomed at any time and are reviewed by the Selection Committee in the Spring and Fall. Applicants for the GEO Fellows Program must self-nominate and provide complete applications that includes the information listed below.

Personal statement

A statement about why you consider yourself to uphold the values of a global equity Fellow (max 2,500 characters/approx. 500 words)

Published details

Details of any published articles and/or research


Your CV/resume or a capture of your LinkedIn page

Two letters of recommendation

  • Addressed from senior industry representatives outside of your current company, preferably including senior-level global equity professionals who are currently a GEO member, a GEO Fellow and/or serve or have previously served on the GEO Board
  • Demonstrating your commitment to global equity, not just in the context of your job role, but also your contribution to the broader profession

Any other supporting information

This may include testimonials and any other documents that you feel would benefit your Fellows application

Once submitted, an application cannot be changed. The selections are final and binding and at the discretion of the Committee. Nominees may apply in future years if they are not selected. Fellows must maintain an active GEO membership for the duration they are a Fellow, unless in retirement status