GEO's infrastructure relies heavily on the contribution of its three councils, which consist of professionals from diverse geographical backgrounds and who have generously dedicated their time to provide valuable feedback and broad vision to GEO.

Issuer Advisory Council

Issuer Advisory Council

This Council is comprised of a distinguished group of geographically-diverse service provider members who have generously volunteered their time to provide broad vision and feedback to GEO.

partner alliance counil

Partner Alliance Council

The Partner Alliance Council is comprised of a distinguished group of geographically-diverse service provider members who have generously volunteered their time to provide broad vision and feedback to GEO.

academic government council

Academic and Government Council

GEO's Academic and Government Council is comprised of a distinguished group of geographically-diverse academic and government members who have generously volunteered their time to provide broad vision and feedback to GEO.



Council members will be required to:

  • Maintain an active GEO membership throughout their term
  • Attend meetings 3-4 times a year, in-person at GEO conferences and online
  • Promote and maintain the highest standards of professionalism
  • Encouraging the exchange of ideas and co-operation among members
  • Respect the confidential and proprietary information available to them


GEO members from around the world are welcome to join GEO’s councils.

We encourage you to visit the relevant council page and read the council’s charter.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact us.

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